Reusing the modules from my tetrahedron experiment, I fairly easily put together a script to create a hexagonal prism of any size. Again debugging the intelligent floor tiles to automatically detect if they are the floor was a real pain due to the lack of an easy way to compare rotations (rather than vectors).
The one generated in the snapshot is of size 3. The square walls are 30mx30m and the longest floor width is 60m. Total prim count = (walls) 6x3x3 + (roof and floor) 2x6x9 = 162.
Update: I had been using my Sony laptop to work with Second Life. With hubby away I borrowed his PC (I'm normally on a Macmini) and was surprised to find the way SL rendered quite different. In particular the equilateral panels I had been using were set with "glow" at 1.0 (maximum) which made little difference on the laptop but on the desktop were mind bogglingly glowing with green radioactive light. Obviously the laptop graphics doesn't render the glow at all. I ended up muting the glow down to zero as they look pretty bright with the "full light" option on (which makes them ignore local lighting conditions).
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