Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Creating an eBay product turntable

Something I have been pondering for a while is a (free) way of creating a rotating product view on eBay. Some professional sellers do it so I knew it was possible. A bit of research today on led me to a way of using a freeware .jar in an applet to do exactly that.

I reused an empty CD spindle box as a turntable (the transparent top makes a nice reflective surface with a depression that a CD can sit in to form a small Lazy Susan). I then took 8 photographs of a mug I could list on eBay and got my first example up within around an hour of messing about. Hopefully now I know how to use Photoshop to create a strip of photos and automate corrections, the next one will be a lot faster. In particular I have a load of matchbox cars to sell and as they are only worth a couple of quid each I needed a fast way of listing them.

Example turntable (16 photographs):

Needs java.

Turntable (use mouse to stop/drag to turn)

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