Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bookmarklet to add recycle comment in GreenMetropolis

I'm selling a fair number of my old paperbacks on When listing a book I invariably want to note that I will send in recycled packaging in the comments field. I was using iMacro to speed this up but I've finally got around to creating a simple bookmarklet to do the same thing. Here it is:

var cmts=document.getElementsByTagName('TEXTAREA');
for(var ic=0;ic<cmts.length;ic++){
cmts[ic].value+='I will send with reused or recycled packaging.'

And here it is as a link you can drag and drop into your own bookmarks or try it out by clicking on it here: Add note to TextArea

Reset text area

This would be fairly easy to customize for your own text or to adapt to a different form that you use regularly and get tired of typing in the same old text or if you are familiar with RegEx tweaking the text you already have in the text box. For example changing the text in the text box to Title Case or Shout.

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